graphic manual for a made-up beer-brand
A graphic manual made for an assignment at school. This is my first graphic manual ever, before I didn't even know that there is a such thing. It was a really fun task and I would love to make work like this for a real company someday.

The only restrictions for the assignment was this short description of the company:
"Brothers Erik and Per from Nybro Småland has always been found of drinking a cold beer. But during the last ten years they have gone from just sitting on the liars bench to becoming full-fledged connoisseurs. After several trips to fairs and beer houses in Europe and the Americas they decided to try to brew their own beer. After a somewhat slow start, it has now become a locally success and their bottles sell out quickly. The brothers have not bothered to keep a consistent graphic identity on their labels, and the product names has varied over the years.
They want to to expand their business since Systembolaget (the swedish alcohol shop) has decided to stock their beer. This is why they now have contacted you to develop a good brand for theis small brewery. In addition to food and drink the brothers like tattoos and the latest in alt. country and folk music."



graphic manual for browery, a made-up brewery
